Review Android Application Development Cookbook

93 Recipes for Building Winning Apps, 1st Edition

Posted by Box XV on June 26, 2019. 4 min read.

✅ Publisher: Wrox

✅ Year: January 4, 2013

✅ Authors: Wei-Meng Lee

✅ Language: English

✅ Pages: 408

✅ Size: 32.1 MB

A must-have collection of ready-to-use Android recipes!

The popularity of Google Android devices is seemingly unstoppable and the Android 4 release offers, for the first time, a single OS solution for building both phone and tablet applications. With that exciting information in mind, veteran author Wei-Meng Lee presents you with 100 unique recipes that you can apply today in order to discover solutions to some of the most commonly encountered problems that exist in Android programming.

Covering the scope of multiple Android releases up through Android 4, this reference features a task description, followed by the solution(s) available, and a standalone project file that illustrates the use of the recipe. Formatting each recipe to be standalone, Wei-Meng Lee allows you to jump into the relevant recipe to find a solution to specific challenges.

  • Identifies and describes a programming task, provides a step-by-step solution, and presents a full-code solution ready for download
  • Covers multiple Android releases
  • Addresses such topics as user interfaces, telephony and messaging, networking, Google maps, location-based services, persisting data, leveraging hardware features, and more

Android Application Development Cookbook is your solution to discovering…solutions!

Table of contents

Chapter 1: Android Fundamentals

Recipe 1.1 Linking Activities

Recipe 1.2 Passing Data Between Activities

Recipe 1.3 Passing Objects Between Activities

Recipe 1.4 Sending and Receiving Broadcasts

Recipe 1.5 Assigning Priorities to Broadcast Receivers

Recipe 1.6 Auto-Launching Your Application at Boot Time

Recipe 1.7 Calling Built-In Apps

Chapter 2: Using Views to Design the User Interface

Recipe 2.1 Using Buttons

Recipe 2.2 Using Image Buttons

Recipe 2.3 Using Radio Buttons

Recipe 2.4 Using CheckBoxes

Recipe 2.5 Implementing a Star Rating System

Recipe 2.6 Using AutoCompleteTextView

Recipe 2.7 Displaying Web Pages

Recipe 2.8 Using the TimePicker

Recipe 2.9 Using the DatePicker

Recipe 2.10 Using LinearLayout for View Positioning

Recipe 2.11 Using RelativeLayout for View Positioning

Recipe 2.12 Using FrameLayout for View Positioning

Recipe 2.13 Using TableLayout for View Positioning

Recipe 2.14 Using the ScrollView

Recipe 2.15 Displaying Context and Options Menus

Recipe 2.16 Displaying Dialogs

Chapter 3: Displaying Lists of Items and Images

Recipe 3.1 Displaying a List of Items Using the ListView

Recipe 3.2 Customizing the ListView

Recipe 3.3 Displaying Multiple ListViews

Recipe 3.4 Creating Custom ListViews

Recipe 3.5 Further Customizing Each Row with Additional TextViews

Recipe 3.6 Displaying a List of Items Using the Spinner View

Recipe 3.7 Displaying a List of Images

Recipe 3.8 Animating the Changing of Images Using the ImageSwitcher

Recipe 3.9 Displaying Images Using the GridView

Chapter 4: Telephony

Recipe 4.1 Calling from Your Application

Recipe 4.2 Monitoring the State of the Phone

Recipe 4.3 Monitoring Phone State in the Background

Recipe 4.4 Blocking Outgoing Calls

Recipe 4.5 Auto-Answering an Incoming Call

Recipe 4.6 Switching to Airplane Mode

Recipe 4.7 Getting the Phone Number, IMEI, and SIM Card ID

Recipe 4.8 Enabling Bluetooth

Chapter 5: Messaging

Recipe 5.1 Sending SMS Messages Through the Built-in Messaging Application

Recipe 5.2 Sending SMS Messages Programmatically in Your Android Application

Recipe 5.3 Monitoring the Status of Sent SMS Messages Programmatically

Recipe 5.4 Monitoring Outgoing SMS Messages

Chapter 6: Network Programming

Recipe 6.1 Connecting to Servers Using HTTP GET

Recipe 6.2 Connecting to Servers Using HTTP POST

Recipe 6.3 Downloading Binary Data Using HTTP

Recipe 6.4 Consuming XML Web Services

Recipe 6.5 Consuming JSON Web Services

Recipe 6.6 Getting the IP Address of the Device

Recipe 6.7 Creating a Socket Server

Recipe 6.8 Creating a Socket Client

Recipe 6.9 Checking for the Availability of Bluetooth

Recipe 6.10 Monitoring the State of Bluetooth

Chapter 7: Using Google Maps

Recipe 7.1 Displaying Google Maps

Recipe 7.2 Zooming in and out of Google Maps

Recipe 7.3 Changing Map Modes Recipe 7.4 Navigating the Map to a Particular Location

Recipe 7.5 Adding Markers to the Map

Recipe 7.6 Finding a User-Friendly Address Using Reverse Geocoding, and Vice Versa

Chapter 8: Location-Based Data Services

Recipe 8.1 Obtaining Geographical Location Using GPS, Wi-Fi, or Cellular Networks

Recipe 8.2 Choosing the Best Location Provider to Use

Recipe 8.3 Monitoring a Location

Recipe 8.4 Using a BroadcastReceiver to Obtain Locations

Chapter 9: Accessing the Hardware

Recipe 9.1 Capturing Pictures with the Camera

Recipe 9.2 Detecting the Presence of Hardware Features

Recipe 9.3 Checking Network State

Recipe 9.4 Turning GPS On/Off

Recipe 9.5 Capturing Hardware Buttons Programmatically

Recipe 9.6 Switching on the Flashlight

Chapter 10: Persisting Data

Recipe 10.1 Saving and Loading User Preferences

Recipe 10.2 Creating a Preference Screen

Recipe 10.3 Saving Files to the Data Directory

Recipe 10.4 Saving Files to the Cache Directory

Recipe 10.5 Saving Files to External Storage

Recipe 10.6 Attaching Files to Your Project

Recipe 10.7 Creating and Using SQLite Databases Programmatically

Chapter 11: Deploying Your Android Applications

Recipe 11.1 Localizing Your Application

Recipe 11.2 Exporting Your Application as an APK File

Recipe 11.3 Deploying Your App Through E-mail

Recipe 11.4 Deploying Your App Through the Web

Recipe 11.5 Deploying Your App Through an SD Card