Review Android 9 Development Cookbook

Over 100 recipes and solutions to solve the most common problems faced by Android developers, 3rd Edition

Posted by Box XV on July 1, 2019. 3 min read.

✅ Publisher: Packt Publishing

✅ Year: October 19, 2018

✅ Authors: Rick Boyer

✅ Language: English

✅ Pages: 464

✅ Size: 7.43 MB

Build feature-rich, reliable Android Pie apps with the help of more than 100 proven industry standard recipes and strategies.

Table of contents


  • Introduction
  • Declaring an activity
  • Starting a new activity with an intent object
  • Switching between activities
  • Passing data to another activity
  • Returning a result from an activity
  • Saving an activity’s state
  • Storing persistent activity data
  • Understanding the activity life cycle


  • Introduction
  • Defining and inflating a layout
  • Using RelativeLayout
  • Using LinearLayout
  • Creating tables – TableLayout and GridLayout
  • RecyclerView replaces ListView
  • Changing layout properties during runtime

Views, Widgets, and Styles

  • Introduction
  • Inserting a widget into a layout
  • Using graphics to show button state
  • Creating a widget at runtime
  • Creating a custom component
  • Applying a style to a View
  • Turning a style into a theme
  • Selecting a theme based on the Android version
  • Introduction
  • Creating an options menu
  • Modifying menus and menu items during runtime
  • Enabling Contextual Action Mode for a view
  • Using Contextual Batch Mode with RecyclerView
  • Creating a pop-up menu


  • Introduction
  • Creating and using a Fragment
  • Adding and removing Fragments during runtime
  • Passing data between Fragments
  • Handling the Fragment back stack

Home Screen Widgets, Search, and the System UI

  • Introduction
  • Creating a shortcut on the Home screen
  • Creating a Home screen widget
  • Adding Search to the Action Bar
  • Showing your app full-screen

Data Storage

  • Introduction
  • Storing simple data
  • Read and write a text file to internal storage
  • Read and write a text file to external storage
  • Including resource files in your project
  • Creating and using an SQLite database
  • Accessing data in the background using a Loader
  • Accessing external storage with scoped directories in Android N

Alerts and Notifications

  • Introduction
  • Lights, Action, and Sound – getting the user’s attention!
  • Creating a Toast with a custom layout
  • Displaying a message box with AlertDialog
  • Displaying a progress dialog
  • Lights, Action, and Sound Redux using Notifications
  • Creating a Media Player Notification
  • Making a Flashlight with a Heads-Up Notification
  • Notifications with Direct Reply

Using the Touchscreen and Sensors

  • Introduction
  • Listening for click and long-press events
  • Recognizing tap and other common gestures
  • Pinch-to-zoom with multi-touch gestures
  • Swipe-to-Refresh
  • Listing available sensors – an introduction to the Android Sensor Framework
  • Reading sensor data – using Android Sensor Framework events
  • Reading device orientation

Graphics and Animation

  • Introduction
  • Scaling down large images to avoid Out of Memory exceptions
  • A transition animation – defining scenes and applying a transition
  • Creating a Compass using sensor data and RotateAnimation
  • Creating a slideshow with ViewPager
  • Creating a Card Flip Animation with Fragments
  • Creating a Zoom Animation with a Custom Transition
  • Displaying animated image (GIF/WebP) with the new ImageDecoder library
  • Creating a circle image with the new ImageDecoder

A First Look at OpenGL ES

  • Introduction
  • Setting up the OpenGL ES environment
  • Drawing shapes on GLSurfaceView
  • Applying the projection and camera view while drawing
  • Moving the triangle with rotation
  • Rotating the triangle with user input


  • Introduction
  • Playing sound effects with SoundPool
  • Playing audio with MediaPlayer
  • Responding to hardware media controls in your app
  • Taking a photo with the default camera app
  • Taking a picture using the Camera2 API

Telephony, Networks, and the Web

  • Introduction
  • How to make a phone call
  • Monitoring phone call events
  • How to send SMS (text) messages
  • Receiving SMS messages
  • Displaying a web page in your application
  • Checking online status and connection type
  • Phone number blocking API

Location and Using Geofencing

  • Introduction
  • How to get the device location
  • Resolving problems reported with the GoogleApiClient OnConnectionFailedListener
  • Creating and monitoring a Geofence

Getting Your App Ready for the Play Store

  • Introduction
  • The Android 6.0 Runtime Permission Model
  • How to schedule an alarm
  • Receiving notification of device boot
  • Using the AsyncTask for background work
  • Adding speech recognition to your app
  • How to add Google sign-in to your app

Getting Started with Kotlin

  • Introduction
  • How to create an Android project with Kotlin
  • Creating a Toast in Kotlin
  • Runtime permission in Kotlin